Commercial Appraisals Archives – Boston Appraisal Services Fast, Reliable, and Compliant Valuations. Thu, 18 Apr 2024 13:50:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Challenges and Opportunities in Appraising Mixed-Use Developments Thu, 18 Apr 2024 13:50:36 +0000 Mixed-use developments, which integrate residential, commercial, and sometimes industrial components within a single project, represent a modern approach to urban planning. However, appraising such complex properties presents unique challenges and opportunities for real estate professionals. This article explores the intricate landscape of mixed-use development appraisal, providing insights into the difficulties faced and the potential benefits […]

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Mixed-use developments, which integrate residential, commercial, and sometimes industrial components within a single project, represent a modern approach to urban planning. However, appraising such complex properties presents unique challenges and opportunities for real estate professionals. This article explores the intricate landscape of mixed-use development appraisal, providing insights into the difficulties faced and the potential benefits realized through this multidimensional process.

Challenges in Appraising Mixed-Use Developments

  1. Complex Valuation Models: Mixed-use properties require appraisers to be adept in multiple valuation methods. Since these developments encompass various property types (e.g., retail, office, residential), an appraiser must combine elements of each type’s valuation techniques. This complexity increases the risk of error and requires a higher level of expertise and experience.
    • Integrating Different Valuation Techniques: Each component of a mixed-use development typically requires a different valuation approach. Combining these different approaches within a single appraisal framework demands a highly nuanced understanding of each market segment.
    • Customized Financial Models: Developing financial models that accurately capture the interplay between different uses within a mixed-use development is crucial. These models must account for shared amenities, management efficiencies, and other synergistic benefits that can affect value.
  2. Diverse Income Streams: Mixed-use developments generate income from varied sources. Residential units might offer steady rental income, while commercial spaces could provide variable income based on business performance. This diversity complicates cash flow analysis and forecasting, demanding a thorough understanding of different market dynamics.
    • Risk Assessment: Different income streams carry varying levels of risk. For instance, commercial rents are generally more susceptible to economic fluctuations than residential rents. Appraisers must factor these risks into their valuation to provide a realistic picture of potential income variability.
    • Lease Analysis: Analyzing lease agreements across different types of tenants and leases (e.g., retail, office, residential, long term vs short term) is essential for understanding terms, conditions, and the impact of these leases on the overall value of the property.
  3. Zoning and Regulatory Issues: Zoning laws can vary significantly across regions and can affect the permissible uses within mixed-use developments. Navigating these regulations requires a deep understanding of local laws to accurately assess potential legal challenges or restrictions impacting the property’s appraisal.
    • Compliance and Potential Changes: Keeping abreast of potential changes in zoning laws or other regulations that could affect future property uses is crucial. For instance, a change allowing more commercial development in an area can significantly affect a property’s appraisal.
    • Impact on Development Plans: Regulatory constraints can also impact the design and scale of mixed-use developments. Appraisers need to consider how these factors influence not just current but also future property values and trends.
  4. Market Demand Fluctuations: The success of mixed-use developments heavily relies on the local market demand for both residential and commercial spaces. Shifts in the economy, such as a downturn in the retail sector, can adversely affect the entire property’s profitability and, consequently, its valuation.
    • Demographic and Market Trends: Understanding local market trends and demographic shifts can help appraisers predict future demand for mixed-use properties. For example, an increase in remote working could boost demand for residential units.
    • Economic Indicators: Tracking economic indicators relevant to all sectors present in the mixed-use development (such as retail sales growth or changes in office space demand) is essential for accurate appraisals.
  5. Physical and Functional Integration: Assessing the degree of integration between different uses within a single development is challenging. The synergy—or lack thereof—between the residential and commercial components can significantly influence the property’s appeal and functionality.
    • Design and Layout Evaluation: The physical design and layout of mixed-use developments play a crucial role in their functionality and appeal. For instance, well-integrated parking solutions and pedestrian-friendly designs can significantly enhance the utility of such developments.
    • Synergy Among Components: The success of mixed-use developments often hinges on the synergy between their different components. Appraisers need to evaluate how well these components complement each other to support a mixed-use environment.

Specific Advantages Appraisers Provide for Mixed-Use Developments:

  1. Innovative Market Niches: Mixed-use developments often create unique market niches that traditional single-use developments cannot offer. Appraisers with expertise in these properties are specialists and attract clients who are looking for professionals who understand the complex dynamics of mixed-use environments.
    • Specialization Benefits: These properties are often less understood and more complex than single-use buildings. Appraisers who have a specialization in mixed-use properties can provide clients with the expertise they need.
    • Consulting Opportunities: Appraisers with deep knowledge of mixed-use developments can also offer consulting services to developers during the planning stages, providing insights on the most beneficial mix of uses based on market demands.
  2. Enhanced Community Value: Properly appraised mixed-use developments can contribute to urban revitalization and sustainable community development. By accurately valuing these properties, appraisers play a crucial role in encouraging investments that lead to more integrated communities.
    • Socioeconomic Contributions: By providing accurate appraisals, appraisers help facilitate investments that can lead to improved local economies and more cohesive communities.
    • Environmental Impact: Accurate valuations help promote developments that optimize land use and potentially reduce urban sprawl, contributing to environmental sustainability.
  3. Professional Development: The complexities involved in mixed-use appraisals requires significant professional growth as appraisers need to have knowledge and skills across various real estate sectors.This can only be achieved through continuous learning and adaptation.
  4. Broader Service Offerings: With the expertise needed in such a challenging area of real estate valuations, appraisers offer a wider range of services to their clients, including advisory services on development and investment opportunities.
  5. Long-Term Relationships: Mixed-use developments often require ongoing appraisal services to monitor changes in value and market conditions.


Appraising mixed-use developments is not without its challenges. By understanding and navigating the multifaceted aspects of these properties, appraisers with the requisite expertise contribute to community development, and help clients run and expand their businesses. As cities continue to embrace mixed-use projects, the demand for skilled appraisers in this field will likely grow, underscoring the importance of engaging appraisers who have mastered the complexities of mixed-use real estate appraisal.

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Challenging Appraisals: Strategies for Lawyers and Their Clients Thu, 17 Aug 2023 17:32:35 +0000 Appraisals are often a crucial part of real estate transactions, litigations, taxes, and estate planning. However, in the course of obtaining an appraisal or while reviewing an appraisal, it may be necessary to verify the reliability, credibility, and accuracy of an appraisal report. Should there be questions, it may even be necessary to challenge an […]

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Appraisals are often a crucial part of real estate transactions, litigations, taxes, and estate planning. However, in the course of obtaining an appraisal or while reviewing an appraisal, it may be necessary to verify the reliability, credibility, and accuracy of an appraisal report. Should there be questions, it may even be necessary to challenge an appraisal. Sometimes, appraisals may be based on faulty assumptions, incomplete data, or biased opinions. In such cases, appraisals may not reflect the true market value of the property or the fair compensation for the damages.

If you or your client are facing a situation where an appraisal is challenged or disputed, you need to have a solid strategy to defend or contest the appraisal. You also need to have a trusted and experienced appraisal partner who can provide you with a high-quality appraisal that meets the standards of the industry and the court.

How to Defend an Appraisal

If you are relying on an appraisal to support your case or claim, you need to be prepared to defend it against any potential challenges from the opposing party. Here are some tips on how to defend an appraisal:

  • Review the appraisal report carefully: Make sure that the appraisal report is clear, concise, and consistent. Check for any errors, omissions, or inconsistencies in the data, analysis, or conclusions. If you find any issues, contact the appraiser and ask for clarification or a correction.
  • Verify the qualifications and credentials of the appraiser: Make sure that the appraiser is licensed, certified, and qualified to perform the appraisal. Check for any disciplinary actions or complaints against the appraiser. If possible, obtain references or testimonials from previous clients or peers of the appraiser.
  • Evaluate the methodology and approach of the appraiser: Make sure that the appraiser used appropriate and accepted methods and techniques to value the property or estimate damages. Check if the appraiser considered all relevant factors and market conditions that affect the value of property or the amount of damages. Check if the appraiser used comparable properties and transactions that are similar to the subject property in terms of location, size, condition, and quality, amongst other characteristics.
  • Support the appraisal with additional evidence: If possible, provide additional evidence that corroborates and confirms the appraisal results. This may include market data, expert opinions, photographs, and documents, along with other information that supports the value opinion.

How to Challenge an Appraisal

If you are disputing an appraisal, you need to have a strong argument to challenge it. Here are some tips on how to challenge an appraisal:

  • Identify the weaknesses and flaws of the appraisal report: Look for any errors, omissions, or inconsistencies in the data, analysis, or conclusions of the appraisal report. Point out any discrepancies or contradictions between the appraisal report and other evidence or information. Highlight any gaps or missing information in the appraisal report that may affect its validity.
  • Question the qualifications and credentials of the appraiser: Look for any evidence that suggests that the appraiser is not licensed, certified, or qualified to perform the appraisal. Look for any disciplinary actions or complaints against the appraiser that may affect his or her reputation or credibility. Look for any conflicts of interest or biases that may influence the appraiser’s opinion or judgment.
  • Criticize the methodology and approach of the appraiser: Look for any evidence that suggests that the appraiser used inappropriate or outdated methods and techniques to value property and estimate damages. Look for any evidence that suggests that the appraiser did not consider all relevant factors, market conditions, and damages that affect the value of the property. Look for any evidence that suggests that the appraiser used incomparable property transactions that are dissimilar to the subject property situation in terms of location, size, condition, quality, or other characteristics.
  • Present an alternative appraisal with a different result: If possible, obtain a second opinion from another qualified and experienced appraiser who can provide you with a new appraisal on the subject property. Compare and contrast the two appraisals and explain why the second appraisal is more accurate, reliable, and credible than the other party’s appraisal.

What are the challenges of challenging appraisals?

Challenging appraisals can be difficult for several reasons. First, appraisers are humans and may make mistakes or have biases that affect their judgment. Second, appraisals are subjective and may vary depending on the methodology, data, and assumptions used by the appraiser. Third, appraisals are influenced by market conditions and the availability of comparable sales at the time of the appraisal. Fourth, appraisals are often accepted as authoritative by lenders, courts, and other parties, and challenging them may require substantial evidence and expertise.

Some of the common issues that may arise in challenging appraisals are:

  • The appraiser used inappropriate or outdated comps that do not reflect the current market value or the unique features of the property.
  • The appraiser made adjustments to the comps that were not supported by market data or industry standards.
  • The appraiser overlooked or undervalued improvements, amenities, or other factors that enhance the value of the property.
  • The appraiser used an incorrect or inconsistent approach to value the property, such as cost, income, or sales comparison.
  • The appraiser did not comply with the ethical and professional standards of the appraisal industry or the specific requirements of the intended use of the appraisal.

How can Boston Appraisal Services help you overcome these challenges?

Boston Appraisal Services is a leading provider of appraisal services in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. We have a team of experienced and certified appraisers who specialize in appraising various types of properties for different valuation purposes. We offer high-quality appraisal reports that are accurate, reliable, and compliant with the latest standards and regulations.

If you need to challenge an appraisal that you believe is inaccurate or unfair, we can help you in several ways:

  • We can review the appraisal report and identify any errors, omissions, or inconsistencies that may affect the credibility or validity of the appraisal.
  • We can perform a rebuttal appraisal that provides an alternative opinion of value based on our own analysis and data.
  • We can provide expert testimony or consultation to support your position and explain our findings and methodology in a clear and convincing manner.
  • We can assist you in negotiating with the other party or resolving the dispute through mediation or arbitration.

Boston Appraisal Services has a proven track record. We have helped many homeowners, buyers, sellers, lenders, attorneys, and other professionals by providing our expert opinions and appraisal reports. Whether you need to challenge an appraisal for a mortgage loan, a property tax appeal, a divorce settlement, a litigation case, or any other reason, we can provide you with the best service.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your challenging appraisal needs. You can call us at (617) 440-7700order online at our website or send us an email at We look forward to working with you!

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Understanding Capitalization Rates, Interest Rates, and Yield Rates in Real Estate Valuation Wed, 07 Jun 2023 14:55:01 +0000 Understanding Capitalization Rates, Interest Rates, and Yield Rates in Real Estate ValuationReal estate investing is not as simple as purchasing a property and waiting for its value to appreciate over time. There are various financial concepts and metrics that investors need to understand to make informed decisions. Capitalization rates, interest rates, and yield rates are among the most critical of these concepts. Let’s dig deeper into […]

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Real estate investing is not as simple as purchasing a property and waiting for its value to appreciate over time. There are various financial concepts and metrics that investors need to understand to make informed decisions. Capitalization rates, interest rates, and yield rates are among the most critical of these concepts. Let’s dig deeper into each of these and gain a better understanding of their significance in the field of real estate.

How Capitalization Rates Affect Real Estate Valuation

The capitalization rate, or cap rate, is a real estate valuation measure used to compare different real estate investments. It is calculated by dividing the net operating income (NOI) by the market value or purchase price of a property.

Cap Rate = Net Operating Income / Current Market Value

The cap rate offers investors a quick method to compare the relative value of different real estate investments. It measures the potential return on investment, ignoring any debt involved. Essentially, the cap rate is the ratio of the income a property is expected to generate against its total value.

A higher cap rate indicates a potentially higher risk and consequently a higher return on investment. Conversely, a lower cap rate might indicate lower risk and thus a lower return. This means the cap rate can affect the valuation of a real estate investment significantly. If a property has a cap rate that’s too high compared to similar investments, it could suggest inherent risk factors, like the possibility of lower occupancy rates or higher maintenance costs.

How Interest Rates Affect Capitalization Rates

The interest rate, as set by a central bank such as the Federal Reserve, is a significant determinant of the cap rate. The reason is simple: interest rates represent the cost of borrowing money, and when this cost fluctuates, it impacts the profitability of an investment.

When interest rates are low, investors are more willing to pay higher prices for properties, driving down the cap rates. However, if investors are able to borrow money at a lower cost, they can afford to accept a lower return on their investment, hence the lower cap rate.

Conversely, when interest rates are high, the cost of borrowing money increases. This increases the risk of investing in real estate, so investors demand a higher return for the increased risk, which results in higher cap rates. Therefore, cap rates and interest rates are indirectly proportional to each other.

Difference Between Capitalization Rates and Yield Rates

While cap rates and yield rates may seem similar, they are distinct concepts in real estate investing. We’ve already discussed cap rates, so let’s understand yield rates. A yield rate is the total return on an investment, inclusive of any changes in the value of the investment over time. It can also be considered as the annual income from an investment divided by the total cost of the investment.

A key difference between the two is that cap rates only consider the income expected in the next year, while yield rates consider the entire investment term. Yield rates also consider the changes in the property value, whether due to appreciation or depreciation.

Thus, yield rates provide a more comprehensive overview of an investment’s profitability over its life. In contrast, cap rates provide a snapshot of the potential profitability of an investment at a given moment in time.

In Conclusion: Cost of Borrowing, Interest Rates, Capitalization Rates, and Purchasing Power

To conclude, the cost of borrowing is essentially the interest rate set by the central bank, like the Federal Reserve. This interest rate not only affects the capitalization rates but also the purchasing power of investors.

When interest rates are low, the cost of borrowing decreases, which can increase the purchasing power of investors. They can borrow more for the same cost, allowing them to invest in properties with lower cap rates. Conversely, when interest rates are high, the cost of borrowing increases, reducing the purchasing power of investors, who then tend to seek properties with higher cap rates to offset the increased cost.

Understanding these concepts and their interrelation provides a robust foundation for making informed real estate investment decisions. It enables investors to assess risk and potential return, determine fair property values, and understand how changing economic conditions might affect their investments.

Given the complexities of capitalization rates, interest rates, yield rates, and their roles in property valuation, an experienced appraiser can offer invaluable guidance and support. This is where we, at Boston Appraisal Services, can be of assistance.

An appraiser’s job is to provide an unbiased, expert opinion on the value of a property. They accomplish this by thoroughly understanding the interplay of these financial metrics and the local market conditions. Having an accurate valuation is essential in real estate transactions to ensure that the price being paid for a property is fair and reflective of its true value.

Boston Appraisal Services is a leading real estate appraisal company that specializes in complex commercial and residential appraisals. Our appraisers have the expertise to help clients navigate the ever-changing Boston real estate market. We offer a comprehensive range of services to meet all your appraisal needs, from single-family homes to multi-million-dollar commercial properties. Whether you are an expert investor, a first-time homebuyer, or a business owner, our team can provide you with a precise, reliable appraisal that you can use to make confident real estate decisions.

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Appraising Green Buildings: Do Solar Panels Add Value to the Property? Mon, 24 Jun 2019 15:00:13 +0000 Appraising Green Buildings: Do Solar Panels Add Value to the Property?From eliminating disposable straws to banning single-use plastic bags, reducing human impact on the environment is at the forefront of many citizens’ minds in recent years. As a result, the real estate industry is progressively adopting ecology-minded trends, resulting in the gradual emergence of green buildings (both commercial and residential) across the country. Green buildings […]

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From eliminating disposable straws to banning single-use plastic bags, reducing human impact on the environment is at the forefront of many citizens’ minds in recent years. As a result, the real estate industry is progressively adopting ecology-minded trends, resulting in the gradual emergence of green buildings (both commercial and residential) across the country. Green buildings are defined as properties that use renewable energy and efficient building materials in their operation, construction, and design to create positive impacts on human and environmental health. One of the key technologies that embody this growing shift towards sustainability is Photo Voltaic (PV), otherwise known as solar panels. Although we can rejoice that the green building movement is becoming more mainstream, the question of whether or not this energy source and other green features add value to a property is still up in the air.

Property owners are often surprised when the time comes to estimate the fair market value of their green building. Many appraisers believe that these green features, although expensive, add little value to the property, while potential buyers find these features appealing and valuable. This dichotomy between the perceived value of the property and the one reflected in the appraisal can lead to many issues when selling or refinancing. Let’s explore how solar panels and other green features add value to real property.

Solar Panels and Other Green Features Are a Good Investment

The good news for owners of green buildings is that several studies demonstrate that they tend to sell for more than the average property. In the residential world, a 2015 report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory concludes that houses equipped with solar panels sell for $14,329 more on average than a non-solar comparable property, which represents a 3.74% increase. Other recent reports support these findings, with green homes selling, on average, for 2.19% to over 8% more than traditional buildings, depending on the property’s features and location.

Given the significant investment that these features represent, particularly if they are added once the building is already built, the previously mentioned numbers seem low. However, the most compelling argument for installing solar panels or other eco-conscious elements in a building remains that they pay for themselves in the long run, as the owners save money every month on their energy bill. For commercial buildings, green features like solar panels can significantly decrease their operating expenses. Additionally, tax credits for commercial and residential buildings are an added incentive for those who install energy-efficient products or renewable energy systems in their property. Finally, as technology progresses, these elements will become not only more efficient but also more affordable.

With analysts predicting that energy prices will continue rising in the coming years, it is likely that green features, such as photo voltaic, will become more widespread and something that buyers will demand and be willing to pay more money for.

The Other Side of the Coin: The Appraisal Process Doesn’t Always Reflect the Contributed Value of Green Features

Sometimes, appraisals do not reflect the perceived value of these improvements, to the dismay of building owners.

This is due in part to the fact that, to establish the market value of a property, appraisers must present in their report comparables with similar features to support the opinion of value. Although green buildings are becoming more popular in some markets, often at the initiative of the state—for example, California’s goal is to have 33% renewable energy by 2020 and 50% renewable by 2030—they are still scarce in many parts of the country. In the absence of green comparables, appraisers have little evidence to conclude that solar panels and other features add value to a building.

To objectively derive the additional value that solar panels contribute the property, appraisers turn to the discounted cash flow (DCF) method. DCF consider the present value of the future cash flows (or savings) that the array will generate over a given period of time.

While DCF is useful, some appraisers lack the specialized training needed to fully consider the value of these features. They have little incentive to educate themselves on the subject, especially if green buildings are not prevalent in their area and if the chances that they will need to value one are slim. Appraisers specializing in green buildings exist, but they can be few and far between in geographic areas where green technologies have yet to catch up.

Finally, with the constant changes in technology, the information required by an appraiser to evaluate the added value of each feature accurately is not always available. Some features are not visible to the untrained eye, and unless the owner informs the appraiser of which elements are present on the property and their characteristics, he or she may easily miss them.

Keeping Up with Green Trends: Appraisers Are Catching Up Quickly

Nevertheless, with more green buildings constructed, bought and sold every day, the issue of finding appropriate comparables will diminish over time. Moreover, the appraising community is making a conscious effort to catch up with these trends. Companies are offering specialized training to educate appraisers on the different features to take into consideration when valuing a building and how to incorporate them in an appraisal.

The Appraisal Institute (AI), which is the largest professional association of real estate appraisers in the United States, released “The Residential Green and Energy Efficient Addendum” in 2011 (updated in 2017) to help appraisers communicate the green features of a property transparently and efficiently in the appraisers’ reports. AI is also at the forefront of green building education for appraisers with its Valuation of Sustainable Buildings Professional Development Program.

How can building owners ensure that green features are reviewed in an appraisal?

Appraising a new feature is always a challenge, and it can take time for the perceived value to be reflected in the appraisal, based on sales comparison. Builders, homeowners, and real estate agents should prepare to provide the appraiser with all the documentation necessary to identify the characteristics of each green feature and prove that these features contribute to the value of the property by saving money every month. Detailed technical specifications, HERS rating, comparative energy bills, etc., help the appraiser to support the added value for each high-performing and energy-efficient element.

Have you encountered a situation where a building’s features were not reflected in an appraisal? How was the situation resolved?

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Assuring Appraiser Competency Mon, 25 Mar 2019 15:00:56 +0000 Assuring Appraiser CompetencyThe variety of real property that appraisers are asked to review are nearly limitless. This is particularly true of commercial appraisers whose assignments may include appraising vacant land, office buildings, retail complexes, industrial properties, and special use buildings. Licensed and certified appraisers must be competent enough to perform any assignments they accept; however, no one […]

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The variety of real property that appraisers are asked to review are nearly limitless. This is particularly true of commercial appraisers whose assignments may include appraising vacant land, office buildings, retail complexes, industrial properties, and special use buildings. Licensed and certified appraisers must be competent enough to perform any assignments they accept; however, no one appraiser is expected to be knowledgeable about every type of real estate in every location. Fortunately, there are clear guidelines for appraisers to follow to ensure their appraisals are always performed competently.

Competency Requirements

Licensed and certified appraisers are required by law to complete appraisal assignments, in compliance with the Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice (USPAP). A key USPAP component is the Competency Rule, which specifically calls for an appraiser to be able to properly identify the appraisal problem to be addressed, have the knowledge and experience to complete an assignment expertly, and recognize and comply with laws and regulations that apply to the appraiser or the assignment.

Many factors influence competency. These include the appraiser’s level of familiarity with the type of property being appraised, the geographic location or market for the subject property, other elements affecting a subject property’s value, specific laws and regulations pertaining to the subject property and the intended use of the appraisal, and analytical methods required to affect reliable appraisal opinions.

Appraisers individually consider competency whenever they accept assignments that are outside their expertise. For example, an appraiser whose practice is primarily confined to single-family residential properties must address competency requirements if they accept an assignment to appraise an office building. If an appraiser traditionally works within a specific region, they must ensure that they are competent to complete assignments external to that location. Appraisers whose appraisals are usually intended for mortgage financing must carefully consider relevant laws if they perform appraisals for eminent domain purposes.

An Appraiser’s Three Choices

An appraiser has three options to address competency in any appraisal assignment. First—after reviewing their training and experience—they can conclude that they are indeed equipped to complete an assignment.

If the appraiser concludes they do not possess the competency to complete an assignment, they can acquire the skills and experience needed.

If the appraiser has neither the competency to complete an assignment nor the means to acquire that competency, they must decline the appraisal assignment.

Ways to Acquire Competency

When an appraiser initially lacks the proficiency to complete an assignment but takes the assignment with the intention of gaining that aptitude, they must always notify the client and then disclose in the appraisal report the steps taken to acquire such competency. There are a variety of ways an appraiser could gain additional skill.

The appraiser can undertake the study and training needed to acquire said competency. Another approach would be to ask a more experienced appraiser to join them in completing the assignment. Also, the appraiser could retain an expert to help in those portions of the assignment for which the appraiser does not have adequate training or experience. Whatever path the appraiser takes to acquire competency, they must notify the client and all intended users of that method.

Lacking Competency Doesn’t Equal Incompetency

Addressing the Competency Rule is one of the ways an appraiser can guarantee that their appraisal results are always credible. In fact, ensuring an appraisal’s reliability is of one of the professional obligations a licensed or certified appraiser has to clients and other intended users.

To some extent, appraisers prove their competency by recognizing and resolving competency issues up front. In professional appraisal practice, an appraiser who lacks the competency for a specific assignment is NOT necessarily incompetent; rather they are professional enough to both admit lack of training or experience and take actions essential to becoming adept for that assignment. The demand for competency provides appraisers opportunities to develop their skills and expand their practices.

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Market Value: An Important Distinction in Appraisal Mon, 18 Mar 2019 15:00:44 +0000 Market Value: An Important Distinction in AppraisalReal estate appraisals can be used to serve a wide range of purposes: selling, buying, refinancing, or settling an estate. However, the most common goal of an appraisal is to establish the market value of a property. Although the concept of market value (sometimes also called Fair Market Value) is frequently mentioned in the real […]

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Real estate appraisals can be used to serve a wide range of purposes: selling, buying, refinancing, or settling an estate. However, the most common goal of an appraisal is to establish the market value of a property. Although the concept of market value (sometimes also called Fair Market Value) is frequently mentioned in the real estate business, it is not always understood. It is type of value opinion among others definitions of value. It is essential to define what market value represents to understand its relevance to an appraisal.

What Is Market Value?

Market Value has multiple definitions and varies by state and region. The one most commonly used by appraisers is given by Fannie Mae, but USPAP encourages appraisers to “identify the exact definition of market value, and its authority, applicable in each appraisal completed for the purpose of market value.” Generally speaking, market value assumes several conditions:

  • A buyer and seller who are well informed, act in their own interest, and not under duress
  • The property is exposed for a reasonable period on the open market
  • The payment is made in cash or equivalent, excluding cash or non-cash incentives

These conditions are not always met in real life, which is why the price a property might reach on the market is not necessarily its fair market value. For example, a seller may need to move out of the area by a specific date and sell the property for a price lower than it might have reached had it stayed on the market longer.

The market value of a property is not a price opinion or a price prediction. It is an opinion of value that typically falls within a range. Therefore, the market value of a property may differ from one appraiser to the next.

As the market (and the condition of the property itself) may change quickly, the market value can also evolve. The market value given in a report is a snap shot in time, which is why appraisal reports are only valid for a limited time. The effective date of the appraisal is traditionally the date an appraiser visited the property, but not necessarily. For example, if the appraisal is ordered to settle an estate, the effective date would be the date the owner passed away.

For most non-commercial properties, appraisers assess the market value by comparing the subject property to similar buildings comparable in location, features, age, etc., that sold recently. However, such comparables are not always available, and the appraiser may have to adjust the different properties used to match the subject.

The appraiser may also be confronted with a changing market (appreciating or depreciating) that sometimes affects the market value of the property. An influx of comparable properties in foreclosure or short-sale could lead to a declining market, while property prices might increase artificially in a bidding war in an area in demand. In this case, the appraiser must conduct a thorough market analysis and adjust the comparables accordingly.

Market Value: One of Many Types of Valuation

Even though establishing the market value of a property is the most common purpose of an appraisal assignment, especially if the report is to be used by several parties, it is far from being the only one. Market value is occasionally confused with other opinions of value, which are often more specialized.

The tax assessed value of a property is calculated by the municipality, for property tax calculation purposes. It is determined by the assessor using various methods, from market value to computerized models and assessment rates, depending on the jurisdiction. The after repair value (ARV) of a property is a projection estimating the market value of a property after renovations have been completed. Thus, comparables are not the properties in similar condition to the subject in the present, but after the projected improvements.

If the property is distressed, the purpose of an appraisal may be to determine the value of a property if it was to be sold quickly rather than after a customary exposure period on the open market (disposition or liquidation value). For an income-producing property, an investor might be more interested in its value based on cap rate than in its market value.

Interpreting the Report

Defining market value is a crucial part of any appraisal assignment as the price a property may sell for is not always its fair market value. In order to prepare an accurate report, it is important to keep in mind the purpose of the assignment, as values differ according to intent and usage. For the recipient of the appraisal, understanding the definition of market value will assist in interpreting the report and why the valuation may vary depending on the scope of the appraisal.

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Analyzing Comparable Sales: Units of Comparison Mon, 04 Mar 2019 15:00:39 +0000 Analyzing Comparable Sales: Units of ComparisonAppraisals express value as the monetary relationship between properties and those who buy, sell or use those properties, as defined by the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice(USPAP). Fundamental to appraisal practice is the idea of comparing the subject of an assignment to other properties. The Sales Comparison Approach is the foundation of appraisal analysis: appraisers […]

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Appraisals express value as the monetary relationship between properties and those who buy, sell or use those properties, as defined by the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice(USPAP). Fundamental to appraisal practice is the idea of comparing the subject of an assignment to other properties. The Sales Comparison Approach is the foundation of appraisal analysis: appraisers apply its techniques not only in that approach but also in the Cost Approach and Income Approach. Competent appraisers recognize the components by which buyers and sellers judge properties and then measure those components relative to a subject property.

Units and Elements of Comparison

After an appraiser collects information about sales of properties similar to the subject, they usually express the sale prices as dollars paid per a specific measurement. Units of comparison are traditionally related to the size or composition of a property. (Occasionally, properties will be compared on a whole-to-whole basis. This practice is only applicable when sale properties are very similar in size, as houses in a newly-constructed subdivision or vacant lots within such a development.)

The appraiser applies the comparison unit that is most often used in the market for the type of property. Typical units are by square foot, acre, square foot of usable area, and square foot of leasable area. Specialized properties are often compared by units depending on their use: a room, theater seat, marina slip, or garage bay. Comparison units may also vary according to local measurement custom, as in per square foot in the United States vs. per square meter in Europe.

When a sale property is composed of a collection of units that are used or leased separately, an appraiser often expresses a unit sale price that recognizes the property’s range of units. For example, the total square footage of an apartment might be divided by the number of apartment units, to describe the apartment’s price per average unit. Another method might be to apply weights or factors to the various units, based on market data.

Before analyzing the sales relative to subject, the appraiser identifies the property elements that influence sale prices, such as location, permitted uses, physical features (overall size, leasable unit size, building components, and condition), real property rights, financing terms, market demand, and income production capability. The appraiser must thoroughly assess subject property’s market to understand which factors will be significant.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Analysis

To reach a value conclusion for the subject property, the appraiser considers the effect each variable of comparison had relative to the subject property. This analysis can result in the appraiser making adjustments to the comparable sales’ unit prices to suggest a probable range of value for subject. The price modifications can be expressed in monetary terms or by percentage difference. The best basis for each adjustment is by ‘paired sale analysis,’ where the appraiser compares sales that are alike in all but a single feature.

Ideally, adjustment factors are derived from the data an appraiser has collected for a specific appraisal assignment. However, sales data is often not extensive enough to develop multiple reliable adjustment factors. The appraiser may then use adjustment factors developed in other similar tasks. Many appraisers keep files of these proven adjustment factors for such instances. Competent appraisers must be confident that factors developed in other appraisals are relevant to a current assignment.

Sometimes there just isn’t enough comparable sale data—either in a current assignment or from other appraisals—to develop reliable adjustment factors. In those situations, appraisers may rate the comparison elements on a qualitative base, such as ‘better than’ or ‘inferior to.’ This approach can be more credible than applying unsupported numeric adjustment factors. In all cases, though, analysis of comparison elements reflects fact rather than an appraiser’s opinion.

When Sales Data is Limited

Experienced appraisers often work in markets where comparable data are scarce or nonexistent. This data insufficiency can occur when the subject property is rare or constructed for a single, unique purpose. It also arises when market activity has been suppressed for economic reasons: recession, extremely high interest rates, or a minimal number of market participants. In these situations, appraisers may expand their search for comparable data by looking in other physical locations, searching further back in time, or including sale properties that are considerably different from the subject. Therefore, it is imperative that the appraisal report clearly describes both the data limitations and the means taken to obtain adequate data.

Credible Assignment Results

Professional appraisers are obliged to provide appraisals that are complete enough to provide reliable results and reported in sufficient detail for intended users to understand. Appraisers also must recognize intended users’ additional appraisal development and reporting rules. The bottom line in every appraisal assignment is that the appraisal results must be credible and understandable. The professional appraisal analyzes comparable sales by justifiable methods and clearly reports those methods and how they are applied.

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Boston’s Proposed Just Cause Eviction Legislation: Facts and Effects Mon, 25 Feb 2019 15:00:19 +0000 Boston Real Estate AppraisersSince 2015, legislative officials of Boston have been developing legislation concerning residential evictions in the city. Even though that legislation has failed to advance in the Massachusetts legislature, its proponents continue to work on a revised version for 2019. Residential real estate values are likely to be affected whether or not the bill is ultimately […]

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Since 2015, legislative officials of Boston have been developing legislation concerning residential evictions in the city. Even though that legislation has failed to advance in the Massachusetts legislature, its proponents continue to work on a revised version for 2019. Residential real estate values are likely to be affected whether or not the bill is ultimately enacted into law.

Boston Apartment Market Background

Boston’s soaring real estate market has increased the demand for affordable residential units and reduced their supply. The average apartment rental rate in the Greater Boston area rose from $1,752 in 2015 to $2,152 in 2018. While apartment construction is increasing, much of that new supply is aimed at prosperous young professionals. Developers are buying up older housing stock, in anticipation of redevelopment. Consequently, tenants in those older buildings have limited options, with their rents rising sharply until the buildings are demolished for reuse.

In 1994, a coalition of Cambridge landlords led a successful referendum to have rent control banned in Massachusetts. The landlords claimed that existing rent control suppressed new multi-family residential construction; 51% of the state’s voters agreed with them. This belief was vindicated by following years’ construction: from 1998 to 2001, 2,569 multi-family residential permits were granted in Boston compared with 420 from 1991 to 1994.

Eviction Legislation History

The growing loss of affordable housing in 2015 caused Boston neighborhood activists to press for legislation to extend renters’ rights. A proposed ordinance would require landlords to report tracking evictions, only evict tenants for a few specified reasons, and engage in non-binding mediation with tenants for any rental increment beyond 5 percent. No city councilor would sponsor the legislation, primarily because it appeared to reinstate rent control.

The housing reform bill was again proposed in 2016. Supporters of the legislation dropped the mediation requirement from the 2015 proposal. Boston landlords continued to oppose the legislation; they claimed the reasons for their objection were the costs of reporting and the possibility of being targeted by advocacy groups when reported evictions were made public. Once again, this proposal did not advance.

In 2017, another rental reform package was proposed. Part of that package was the ‘Jim Brooks Community Stabilization Act,’ named after a late Boston social justice advocate. The act would require landlords to report evictions, but it would prevent those data from becoming public. City officials could then present soon-to-be-evicted tenants with legal and relocation aid. But the act did still include a list of specific reasons—or ‘good causes’—under which landlords could begin eviction proceedings. Subsequently, public hearings were held by the Boston City Council Committee on Community Relations. After the proposed act was strongly opposed by both landlords and some tenants, it was referred back to committee.

An amended version of the act was passed by the Boston City Council in October 2017. Most of the provisions of the 2015 proposed act were gone. The approved act only requires landlords to notify the city of evictions and allows the city to inform tenants of the tenants’ eviction rights.

Because Boston is a home rule state, the act was presented to the Massachusetts legislature in January 2018. The bill was sent to study in May 2018, thus, effectively killing it. Legislators rejected the act because, as presented, they weren’t allowed to amend it. Also, they were aware that landlords and real estate developers viewed the bill as the first step into reenacting rent control.

2019 Proposals on Boston Tenant Rights

Boston Mayor Martin Walsh released his current agenda for the Massachusetts legislature on January 7, 2019. His list includes three proposed acts to help residential tenants facing eviction. The first act would provide certain low-income tenants facing eviction with court-appointed attorneys.

The second act, focused on Boston’s elderly population, resembles the 2015 proposed tenant protection legislation. It would prohibit ‘no-fault’ eviction of anyone over 75. Landlords would be required to provide notice to the local community at the same time the eviction notice is served to the elderly tenant. Eviction would only be permitted for good cause such as failure to pay rent, damage to the property, or use of the premises for illegal activities. Rent increases would be limited to five percent per year for tenants aged 75 or older to prevent landlords from using large rent increases to get around just cause protections. This would apply to all properties with six or more rental units.’

The third act would give tenant associations of multi-family residences larger than five units the right of first refusal to purchase those residences at fair market value. This would provide tenants with the ability to match any bona fide offers on buildings including their apartments.

Effects on Residential Rental Property Market

All three of the proposed acts are currently in committee; their eventual disposition is uncertain. In the short term, that uncertainty could cause Boston’s residential real estate investors to hold off any purchases until the legislative issues are clearer.

If the bills behind these proposed acts become available for comment, there is likely to be heated public reaction. Landlords and real estate investors will undoubtedly object to the public release of eviction notices, the effective brake on rental rates, and a list limiting just causes for evictions. All of these would increase management and ownership expenses. The five-percent rent raise limit would reduce potential gross income and suppress new investment. Current and potential investors in Boston’s multi-family residential market should stay alert to news about these and other proposed legislation. Trade organizations and well-informed sales professionals will be especially helpful in keeping investors up to date on legislative actions regarding this bill.

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Economic Trends Affecting New England Real Estate in 2019 Mon, 18 Feb 2019 15:00:11 +0000 Boston Real Estate AppraisersThe demand for all types of real estate in New England reflects region-wide economic factors. While the national economy influences geographical real estate values, some 2019 trends unique to New England are especially important to buyers and investors. These trends include labor characteristics, financial considerations, and population behavior. Employment Unemployment in New England is currently […]

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The demand for all types of real estate in New England reflects region-wide economic factors. While the national economy influences geographical real estate values, some 2019 trends unique to New England are especially important to buyers and investors. These trends include labor characteristics, financial considerations, and population behavior.


Unemployment in New England is currently 3.7%, a significant drop since the post-recession level of 8.7%. New England’s job gain rate over the last year was 1.5%, compared to a national rate of 1.7%. Massachusetts and New Hampshire experienced the highest job growth in 2018, while Rhode Island’s and Maine’s employment numbers were virtually unchanged, and Vermont’s jobs shrank slightly.

Average wages throughout New England increased in the last year at an average rate of 2.6%. This increment was marginally lower than the national average of 4.7% but still positive for each of the region’s seven states. Wage growth in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire surpasses the national average.

New England, particularly the Cambridge area of Massachusetts, is seen as an excellent source of skilled labor. The technology industry has traditionally benefitted most from a wealth of well-educated workers. In recent years, major growth witnessed in the life sciences industries (including pharma and biotech) has made these sectors the strongest segments of New England’s economy.

Cost of Living

A downside to this regional employment growth is an elevation in living costs. Specifically in the Boston area, the cost of living increased by 2.5% in 2018. Housing represented the greatest portion of that increase: shelter costs rose by 4.7%. Market prices for natural gas and dairy products also grew sharply.

Recent interest rate increases have also hiked the cost of living in the New England area. The Federal Reserve increased its short-term lending rate by a quarter-point, to 2.5%, in December 2018. At its January 2019 meeting, the Federal Reserve suggested that rates would stay level for the coming year.

The current rate for a fixed 30-year mortgage in New England ranges from 4.40% to 4.50%, according to This is slightly below the U.S. average of 4.54%. However, uncertainty about the near future of the American economy leads experts to conclude that residential mortgage rates will increase in 2019. Also, the recent federal government shut-down hampered consumers’ confidence. Economists expect the U.S. economy to slow in the coming months in response to tariffs’ damaging effects on some trade markets. Great Britain’s imminent exit from the European Union (the infamous Brexit) has also reduced investors’ expectations for 2019.

Consumption, Work, and Commuting

Lifestyle changes are affecting real estate demand. U.S. online retail shopping increased by nearly 13% between 2017 and 2018. Online purchases represented 9.8% of all retail sales at the end of 2018; this is more than 200% of what was attributed to online shopping in 2010.

Furthermore, labor models are rapidly changing. While unemployment continues to be low, the rate of new hires is also low. Statistics for the number of independent contractors and gig workers in the U.S. economy are scattered and inconsistent. But by many measures, non-employees are increasingly becoming a crucial part of the workforce. The most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) analyses suggest that some 7.5% of the U.S. labor force are independent contractors, and another 6.4% are on-call, temporary, or gig workers.

Unfortunately, the BLS has not standardized its collection methods for this segment of the labor force; the Federal Reserve estimates that as many as 75,000,000 Americans, or 46% of the workforce, work in ‘non-traditional’ arrangements. Independent contractors and gig workers often escape the burden of commuting. In New England, that burden is noteworthy: Boston ranked first in 2018 for hours lost and cost per driver, due to traffic congestion.

Trends’ Effects on Real Estate Markets

All the economic trends mentioned influence demand for New England real estate. Increases in mortgage rates and relatively high prices will likely slow single-family home sales. These same forces are further intensifying demand for residential rental property.

Congestion, high office rental rates, and constantly improving telecommunications are driving large employers out of city centers, increasing demand for suburban office spaces. The ongoing growth in technology and life science industries is escalating businesses’ need for campus office properties that include laboratories and storage spaces. The proliferation of independent contractors and remote workers is also heightening demand for co-working offices near residential and retail developments.

The growth of online retail commerce is causing substantial changes in the commercial real estate market. Demand for traditional bricks-and-mortar stores of all kinds is declining. Consumers expect ever faster delivery of retail goods and services; this trend has increased demand for dispersed distribution hubs to speed up last-mile delivery. Thus, opportunities abound for investors who are looking for the ‘next new thing.’

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Appraisal Reviews Vs. Review Appraisals: What’s the Difference? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 15:00:45 +0000 Boston Real Estate AppraisersAppraisers frequently have their work reviewed, especially when an appraisal’s intended use is for financing. Reviewing appraisals is routinely part of the job description for appraisers employed by lending institutions. But the scope of work for review assignments varies significantly, and sometimes reviews are performed by non-appraisers. Both appraisers and their clients need to clearly […]

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Appraisers frequently have their work reviewed, especially when an appraisal’s intended use is for financing. Reviewing appraisals is routinely part of the job description for appraisers employed by lending institutions. But the scope of work for review assignments varies significantly, and sometimes reviews are performed by non-appraisers. Both appraisers and their clients need to clearly understand when a review assignment is, in fact, an appraisal and whether an appraiser can conduct an accurate appraisal review.

How a Review Becomes an Appraisal: Eliminating Potential Confusion

The Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice define ‘appraisal’ as an opinion of value or the act or process of developing an opinion of value. Any time an appraiser gives a value opinion, they have performed an appraisal. By contrast, an ‘appraisal review’ is defined as the act or process of developing and communicating an opinion about the quality of another appraiser’s work that was performed as part of an appraisal or appraisal review assignment. The critical difference between the two activities is the subject of the appraiser’s assignment: is the subject real property or another appraiser’s work?

Another vital element of both definitions is recognizing who is providing the appraisal service. In both cases, the practitioner is assumed to be an appraiser. Unless laws or regulations in a specific situation require otherwise, someone who is not an appraiser is not expected to comply with appraisal standards. If a value opinion or review is done by a broker, a lender, or an attorney, USPAP doesn’t apply.

Appraisers’ Roles in Both Assignments

Appraisers provide appraisal reviews for various purposes. An appraisal review may examine an appraisal’s compliance with standards and guidelines, verify its accuracy and completeness, or assess its analysis. The review appraiser can express opinions and conclusions about all of these in an appraisal review.

When the review appraiser goes on to state a value opinion for the subject of the original appraisal, the review appraiser has, by definition, performed a second appraisal. This is true even when the review appraiser simply concurs with the first appraiser’s value opinion. Providing a value opinion within an appraisal review assignment is USPAP-acceptable as long as the review appraiser fulfills appraisal development standards. This, in effect, becomes a two-part assignment consisting, firstly, the review appraiser’s conclusions about another appraiser’s work and, secondly, the review appraiser’s own value opinion.

When a review appraiser develops a value conclusion, they need to clearly describe the scope of their own appraisal. The scope could include assuming all the information provided by the original appraiser, considering the original information but with corrections, or providing new data and analysis. The review appraiser should include, by reference, the portions of the initial appraisal that they have used in developing their separate value opinion.

Identify the Service Needed First

The term ‘appraisal review’ has a specific meaning to appraisers. But clients and other intended users may use different terminology and expect the review to provide a value conclusion. The best way to avoid misunderstandings is for the appraiser and the client to define the scope of work explicitly before such a task begins. Appraisers can provide a broad spectrum of review services, from a simple reading for accuracy to a separate value opinion developed after reviewing another’s work. Should an appraiser comprehensibly identify the service provided and then execute that duty in compliance with professional standards, there should be no issue with satisfying a client’s intended use.

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