Assuring Appraiser Competency

The variety of real property that appraisers are asked to review are nearly limitless. This is particularly true of commercial appraisers whose assignments may include appraising vacant land, office buildings, retail complexes, industrial properties, and special use buildings. Licensed and certified appraisers must be competent enough to perform any assignments they accept; however, no one appraiser is expected to be knowledgeable about every type of real estate in every location. Fortunately, there are clear guidelines for appraisers to follow to ensure their appraisals are always performed competently.

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Market Value: An Important Distinction in Appraisal

Real estate appraisals can be used to serve a wide range of purposes: selling, buying, refinancing, or settling an estate. However, the most common goal of an appraisal is to establish the market value of a property. Although the concept of market value (sometimes also called Fair Market Value) is frequently mentioned in the real estate business, it is not always understood. It is type of value opinion among others definitions of value. It is essential to define what market value represents to understand its relevance to an appraisal.

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Valuing Your Income Properties. Is It Time to Execute Your Exit Strategy?

Given the growth of the real estate market and gradual stabilization of values as we approach the top of the market, it’s more important than ever to evaluate the equity position in our portfolios and make educated and informed decisions to keep holding or pursue an exit strategy. Appraisal plays a critical role in the investment process and can lend considerable insight to your approach.

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Analyzing Comparable Sales: Units of Comparison

Appraisals express value as the monetary relationship between properties and those who buy, sell or use those properties, as defined by the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice(USPAP). Fundamental to appraisal practice is the idea of comparing the subject of an assignment to other properties. The Sales Comparison Approach is the foundation of appraisal analysis: appraisers apply its techniques not only in that approach but also in the Cost Approach and Income Approach. Competent appraisers recognize the components by which buyers and sellers judge properties and then measure those components relative to a subject property.

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Boston Real Estate Appraisers

Since 2015, legislative officials of Boston have been developing legislation concerning residential evictions in the city. Even though that legislation has failed to advance in the Massachusetts legislature, its proponents continue to work on a revised version for 2019. Residential real estate values are likely to be affected whether or not the bill is ultimately enacted into law.

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Boston Real Estate Appraisers

Appraisers frequently have their work reviewed, especially when an appraisal’s intended use is for financing. Reviewing appraisals is routinely part of the job description for appraisers employed by lending institutions. But the scope of work for review assignments varies significantly, and sometimes reviews are performed by non-appraisers. Both appraisers and their clients need to clearly understand when a review assignment is, in fact, an appraisal and whether an appraiser can conduct an accurate appraisal review.

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Boston Real Estate Appraisers

Many residential appraisals don’t require the application of the cost approach, but there are situations where separate value opinions for land and improvements are necessary. In certain circumstances, the sales comparison approach is hampered by a shortage of sale properties that are truly comparable to the subject. Experienced appraisers recognize that a peculiar improved property sale may wholly reflect land value. They also know how to analyze outlier sales to support both vacant and improved property value opinions.

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Boston Real Estate Appraisers

Appraisals of the same property by different appraisers are rarely the same. Differing value opinions are usually a result of various factors. When an appraisal user encounters contrasting value conclusions for one property, they can decide— by considering several variables — which conclusion is most reliable.

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Boston Real Estate Appraisers

What is the process when private real estate is needed for public projects? ‘Eminent domain’ is the label frequently used to describe that process, and its basis lies in the U.S. Constitution. All U.S. states, including Massachusetts, have their respective statutes regarding the state taking private real property. Although eminent domain’s application has expanded in recent decades, it is now a contentious issue in many regions. This latest controversy means appraisers currently have a critical role in the eminent domain field, working for private property owners and public entities. When eminent domain plays a part in an appraisal assignment, both the appraiser and client need to be aware of the unique requirements of this kind of practice.

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Boston Real Estate Appraisers

The digital age has disrupted many traditional businesses. Ridesharing has upset the taxi business; online marketplaces have, to a large extent, replaced newspaper classified ads. Residential real estate markets are flexing to accommodate fast-growing short-term rental companies such as Airbnb and VRBO. Owner-occupied homes now have the potential for limited rentals; houses purchased for investment may have alternative rental opportunities. Well-informed and competent real estate appraisers account for this new rental model in their residential appraisals.

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